Important dates

Final-Registration, fee payment and abstracts submission deadline - 15th March 2015 (extended to 23th March 2015)
Workshop - 21st-27th June 2015

Bank details

Name of account holder: Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu (Scientific Society in Torun) ul. Wysoka 16, 87-100 Toruń, Polska
VAT/NIP: PL 879-00-07-933
Name of Bank: BOŚ Bank
IBAN: PL 07 1540 1304 2001 8940 4895 0001
References: conference fee Heathlands 2015 your Name and Surname

Abstract preparation

Extended abstracts of talks/posters will be published in conference materials in Ecological Questions ( Abstract should be submitted by e-mail ( as a file in the *.doc or *.docx format. The file should be named by the first author name.
Manuscript should be typed double-spaced of A4 format. The manuscript should be no longer than 4 typescript pages including tables, figures and references. Use 12-point serif type (Times New Roman). Maintain the same font throughout the paper. The form of the manuscript should be following: the author's name, affiliation and mailing address, the title of paper, summary (max 320 signs), key words (up to 5), the basic text (headings: introduction, the study area, research methods, results and discussion) and references. Tables and pictures should be also included in the text.

There is possibility to publish full text articles in Ecological Questions in one regular issue without any payments (under normal submission process). In this case papers should be directly oriented to the topic of the journal.

Poster preparation

Presentation are to be in poster format of ISO A1 size (841mm X 594mm), portrait orientation layout. Velcro pieces or pushpins will be provided to facilitate mounting of poster.